Monday, August 19, 2013

Saskatoon Pie Flailin' and Winnin'

I feel like there's no point in making a pie with a store-bought crust - I might as well buy the whole pie. Crusts can be pretty hard to make though. You have to work really fast and keep your ingredients cold so the dough doesn't get to gluey. Here's my attempt at making one for some saskatoons I picked at Riverbend Gardens here in the city. 

I had to pick all the stems off the saskatoons I picked. Then I rolled out the dough and put it in the pie plate. It did not look pretty


 Tossed the saskatoons with sugar, flour, and lemon zest and poured them in the shell with some chunks of butter on top. 

 Put the second crust on and cut the excess off (I made a little raspberry tart out of the extra that could be a flail all on its own), then tried to attach the two edges and make them look fancy.

The finished product definitely doesn't look pro but tasted pretty darn good. 
-Stephanie (Food Flail's first guest writer!)

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