A place for amateur food bloggers and their amateur food pursuits
Martha Stewart. The cooking channel. Internet recipes with perfect photos and impeccable outcomes. The lady at the health food store who insists making homemade kefir and slaughtering your own chickens is child's play. Food blogs!!!! Everything appears so simple, natural, organic and delicious until you try it yourself. And then you fail. Perhaps it's edible. But your head is just above water and you are wallowing in the misery that you are terrible at creating food. The knob on your performance anxiety dial has been cranked clean off.
Following a university project on the books "In Defense of Food" and "The 100 Mile Diet", my personal goal has been to get more in touch with my food, know where it comes from and explore previously uncharted (by me at least) waters in collecting and creating my own food. I've come up with a couple of mottos by which to live by in these pursuits:
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should"....
and in the words of Master Yoda.... "Do or do not, there is no try."
Here, I join with guest writers, ghost writers and friends to honestly and humbly disclose what continues to ensue as we experience our adventure called Yeg Food Flail.
Join in...and enjoy.
flail (fl
l) n.
A manual threshing device consisting of a long wooden handle or staff and a shorter, free-swinging stick attached to its end.
v. flailed, flail·ing, flails
1. To beat or strike with or as if with a flail: flailed our horses with the reins.
2. To wave or swing vigorously; thrash: flailed my arms to get their attention.
3. To thresh using a flail.
1. To move vigorously or erratically; thrash about: arms flailing helplessly in the water.
2. To strike or lash out violently: boxers flailing at each other in the ring.
3. To thresh grain.
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